Does it seem that you are encountering an issue either enhancing a TripAdvisor account or responding to a TripAdvisor review?
If you're getting errors, even though you are 100% sure that the credentials you are using are correct, go back and start from the beginning (but remember you need to be a TripAdvisor admin):
Completely disconnect TA by clicking the [x] button,
Reconnect by providing the TA URL, then
Enhance using the email and password.
If at the first attempt, you cannot enhance, pause, and try again at a later time, i.e. the next day. Strictly follow the above method again.
Backup Solution
The backup solution, of course, is to click on the "deep link" icon.

The "deep link" will redirect you to TripAdvisor Management Center, where you will be able to respond directly from within the TripAdvisor platform itself.
User note: You will need to be an admin to the TripAdvisor page of this location to be successfully redirected to be able to respond via the TripAdvisor platform.
Tips for re-enhancing your account:
*You need to be an admin or ask a colleague who is an admin in the TripAdvisor Management Account to enhance this location.
** You must manually log in with your email and password. Do not auto-connect with Gmail.

Finally, once you've enhanced your TripAdvisor account, it may be necessary to refresh your screen or log in and out of Yumpingo to make sure that you pull in your latest data.
Final Note:
Unfortunately, as of 2021, the official TripAdvisor API still does not allow business owners to reply to their TripAdvisor reviews, and so Yumopingo's "enhanced" mode is, in fact, a workaround to help make your work more efficient. We definitely want to help you respond to as much of your data as possible, but from time to time, you may have to help out by "re-enhancing" your account.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please reach out by clicking the support chatbox on the lower right side of your screen.