Start receiving your external reviews in your Reputation
Log onto the Yumpingo dashboard and go click the Reputation tab on the left.
Navigate to the Locations & Groups Page in the top right and click whichever social media account you'd like to connect to. In the example, we're using table master but see below for a specific list.
A pop-up login window will appear. Log in using your brand's email address and password for each account
Click connect, then confirm.
Below are the integrations you can add to GuestXM:
Google MyBusiness
Uber Eats
The Branding page and Groups can only connect Facebook, Instagram, Outlook, GMail and LinkedIn accounts. Locations can be used to connect all integrations.
To connect to a Facebook page you'll need to:
- Make sure that you are a page's Admin or Editor.
- Click Connect with Facebook.
- A pop-up window will open for Facebook's authentication services, grant ALL Facebook permissions, and click Ok or Allow to authorize the app.
- Select your Facebook Page from the dropdown.
- Click Confirm.

NOTE: Pay attention to the permissions step. You have to grant ALL Facebook permissions to GuestXM so that you and your team can read, respond to and analyze all the relevant message types from your Facebook business/location page, i.e. wall posts, mentions etc. [See image below. Essentially, you should say "YES" to all items.]
To connect your Instagram account, please follow these steps:
- Make sure that your Instagram account is a Business Profile.
- Be sure that the account you want to connect to is logged into Instagram.
- Click Connect with Instagram.
- Authorize the app and toggle ALL permissions
- Select the Instagram business account from the dropdown list.
- Click Confirm.
To connect your Foursquare account, please follow these steps:
- Be sure that the account you want to connect is logged into Foursquare.
- Click Connect with Foursquare.
- Authorize the app.
- Select the Foursquare business account from the dropdown list.
- Click Confirm.
To connect your TripAdvisor account, please follow these steps:
- Open your TripAdvisor location page on a different tab and copy the URL.
- On Reputation, click on Connect with TripAdvisor.
- Paste the TripAdvisor location URL.
- Click Confirm.
*Note: It may take 24 hours after first connecting for TripAdvisor messages to be visible in your inbox.
To connect your Yelp account, please follow these steps:
- Open your Yelp business page on a different tab and copy the URL.
- On Reputation, click on Connect with Yelp.
- Paste the Yelp location URL.
- Click Confirm.
If you see this message when setting up your Yelp connection, it's typically due to one of two issues.
- Your Yelp business page does not have any reviews, as the error message states.
- Your new Yelp business page has a few reviews but has only been recently posted. It can take up to an hour before Yelp publishes your business' reviews to other applications such as Yumpingo.
To connect a Google My Business page, you need to:
- Make sure that you are a page's Owner or Manager.
- Click Connect with Google.
- A pop-up window will open. Please select your Google account and authorize the app.
- Select your Google My Business Page from the dropdown.
- Click Confirm.
- Should you wish to synchronize your Google My Business page's location details to your Reputation location, enable the Sync Details toggle and click Confirm.
To connect a Formitable page, you need to:
Make sure that the GuestXM app was installed from the Formitable app marketplace for your business location.
Click the "Connect with Formitable" button.
Enter your Formitable location ID.
Click the "Confirm" button.
To connect a Tablemanager account, you need to:Click the "Connect with Tablemanager" button.
Log in using your Tablemanager credentials (email address and password).
Click the "Connect" button on the pop up.
Click the "Confirm" button.
To connect a Resengo page, you need to:
Make sure that the GuestXM app is enabled in your Resengo management portal.
Click the "Connect with Resengo" button.
Enter your Resengo Company ID.
Click the "Confirm" button.
If you have any questions or comments please reach out through the chatbox on the bottom-right of your screen and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can!